Fixed OBS – Surface equipment successfully deployed!

Fixed OBS topside satellite and acoustic equipment attached to the M6 weather buoy
This is a long-term seismic, hydroacoustic and absolute pressure instrument set, for long term monitoring at a single site. The construction of underwater station, the OBS, is well underway by Guralp Systems Ltd. The aim is to monitor seismic signals from a wide range of sources especially from microseisms and local and distant earthquakes and detect and measure tsunamis. The system will be communicate through an acoustic link to the M6 buoy moored in the vicinity of the underwater module.
The M6 buoy was deployed 400km west of Galway, Ireland in late May 2019. It is equipped with a satellite communication system to allow near real-time communication between the seafloor station and the onshore National Data Centre at DIAS. The seafloor station, the OBS, will be deployed in Autumn 2019.
This is a long-term seismic, hydroacoustic and absolute pressure instrument set, for long term monitoring at a single site. The construction of underwater station, the OBS, is well underway by Guralp Systems Ltd. The aim is to monitor seismic signals from a wide range of sources especially from microseisms and local and distant earthquakes and detect and measure tsunamis. The system will be communicate through an acoustic link to the M6 buoy moored in the vicinity of the underwater module.
The M6 buoy was deployed 400km west of Galway, Ireland in late May 2019. It is equipped with a satellite communication system to allow near real-time communication between the seafloor station and the onshore National Data Centre at DIAS. The seafloor station, the OBS, will be deployed in Autumn 2019.
This is a long-term seismic, hydroacoustic and absolute pressure instrument set, for long term monitoring at a single site. The construction of underwater station, the OBS, is well underway by Guralp Systems Ltd. The aim is to monitor seismic signals from a wide range of sources especially from microseisms and local and distant earthquakes and detect and measure tsunamis. The system will be communicate through an acoustic link to the M6 buoy moored in the vicinity of the underwater module.
The M6 buoy was deployed 400km west of Galway, Ireland in late May 2019. It is equipped with a satellite communication system to allow near real-time communication between the seafloor station and the onshore National Data Centre at DIAS. The seafloor station, the OBS, will be deployed in Autumn 2019.

Guralp Aquarius 3-component broadband seismometer